Achieve Your Goals and Resolutions The SMART Way in 2021

Many people look to each new year as a chance to start over. A second chance if you will. Goals and resolutions are set each New Year’s Eve that range from health quests to improving finances—and everything else in between. While setting these goals, we sometimes forget to plan or strategize how we will achieve and succeed at getting what we want. Have you ever heard of SMART goals? SMART is an acronym to help you achieve your goals by setting a series of smaller goals and measurements to track progress.


SMART goals are as follows:


S – Specific–Ask yourself what, who, when, and why questions to help set your goals. What is your expected outcome? Who do you need to include to reach the goal? When do you want to achieve this goal? And most importantly, what is your “why” in obtaining this goal? Are there any obstacles that need to be addressed before starting? Be specific!


M – Measurable–What steps are you going to take to ensure you stay on track? How are you going to measure your progress? Completing a series of mini-goals that keep you on track.  


A – Achievable–Simply put, is your goal obtainable? Will you need to acquire a new skill or develop different habits to achieve your goal? Check-in with your motivation to get this done.


R – Realistic- Ensure that you can realistically achieve your goal. The idea is not to set yourself up for failure. Realistic goals have a purpose. How does achieving your goal benefit you?


T – Timely–Give yourself adequate time to complete the goal but set a deadline.


There are so many possibilities if you first let yourself dream and then strategize that dream into fruition. Start with taking one step toward that goal and then another and before you know it, you will be obtaining all your goals. Let me know if your goal is to increase your savings, pay down debt, set a budget, increase your credit score, reduce your monthly expenses, or any other financial goals because I can help! Contact me at (207) 872-2771 or to set an appointment. Together we can work toward achieving your goals in 2021!